Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Assertion Failed!" What is this?

Trophy Bass 2007 (assertion failed)?

I bought this game and everytime i click on the shortcut, it acts as if it's going to the game then a message pops up...

(Error in Initrender...Shutting down) then,

Assertion Failed!


File: c:\tbass\work\cs611brc\itclent...



then it says " For more information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the visual c++ documentation on asserts."

What does this mean? What can I do to correct this problem? I'm not an idiot, but I'm also not a computer programmer!! Any help would be great. Thanks!!!

"Assertion Failed!" What is this?
An assertion is an internal check in a program that verifies that assumptions the programmer made haven't been violated. In other words, you're looking at a bug.

From the error I would assume that the assertion checked that m_pstatsgui was non-null and was sorely disappointed. Probably because the creation of the window failed for some reason.

Since you don't have the source code there isn't much you can do about it other than try to reinstall, update the OS, update DirectX, check Google and chat with tech support.

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